RotoZip Zip Disc Medium and Coarse Abrasive Discs

The RotoZip Zip Disc line includes two new 4” abrasive wheels, Medium and Coarse. They are designed to make quick work of removing coatings and imperfections from metal, wood and concrete. That might be stain from a wooden deck, or rust or paint from metal. RotoZip claims they’re tough enough to use even on concrete. What we like about them is that the discs use a metal back plate instead of the more common plastic, so you can bear down and really get to work. Both ZipDiscs are compatible with the ZipSaw Multi Saw and Spiral+ tools that use the ZipMate attachment.

RotoZip Zip Disc Pricing

Price: $7.95 Medium ZipDisc, $11.98 Coarse ZipDisc.

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