Bosch T1757 Premium Hammer Hauler

The new bosch T1757 premium hammer hauler is designed for easy transportation, user convenience, and system compatibility. The quick-release strap is fast, easy to adjust, and holds the tool securely to the hauler without loosening. The hauler’s grommets securely hold the hammer steel in place during transportation. The 3.8-Inch foam tires are shock absorbing for rough and rocky terrain. They will not puncture even in the roughest of conditions.

Bosch T1757 Premium Hammer Hauler

The Bosch T1757 premium hammer hauler provides secure jobsite transportation for your large breaker hammers. This premium hammer hauler is designed for easy transportation, user convenience, and system compatibility.

The quick-release strap is fast, easy to adjust, and holds the tool securely to the hauler without loosening. The hauler’s grommets securely hold the hammer in place during transportation. The 3.8-Inch foam tires are shock-absorbing for rough and rocky terrain. They will not puncture even in the roughest of conditions.

Bosch T1757 breaker hammer cart

Bosch T1757 Breaker Hammer Cart Features

  • Folding Foot Plate – easily folds out of the way for use as a hand truck
  • 8-inch Foam Tires – never-flat tires absorb shock over rugged terrain
  • Truck Ramp – for easy loading in and out of a truck or van
  • Accessory Holders – securely holds hammer steel in place during transportation
  • Quick Release Strap – durable nylon material with quick release for an easy and secure storage solution
  • Cord Wrap – convenience for transportation

You can pick up the Bosch T1757 Premium Hammer Hauler for around $179.99.

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