Crazy Friday: Inmate Caught in Port-a-Potty

Crazy Friday: Inmate Caught in Port-a-Potty

Perhaps this isn’t part of a tool-story, but I suppose the combination of escaped prisoner and port-a-potty was impossible to resist. It seems an escaped prisoner, Cesar Sanchez, who had leapt from a moving van during a routine court transit, was caught just 6 hours later. How, you ask? Police dogs were used to track him to a local yard where there were portable toilets being stored. A helicopter crew then scanned the area using infrared and finally located him within one of the toilets.

Inmate Caught in Port-a-Potty Feature

Sanchez is/was/will-be serving a 7-year sentence for burglary and escaped by, apparently, kicking open the door of the transport van and then eventually jumping onto the back of a delivery truck. He was likely hurt in the jump, but still able to run. After tracking him to the waste management yard, a corrections officer spotted a footprint that had the same tread pattern as a state inmate’s assigned shoes would have. At that point another dog caught the scent and the helicopters took care of the rest.

Once the infrared had done its work, the police spotted some movement in the toilet’s chemical tank and the rest is history… dirty, nasty, disgusting and smelly history.

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