Life on the Line Movie Trailer Video Highlights Lineman – Thumbs Up

Life on the Line Movie Trailer Highlights Lineman

We saw the new Life on the Line movie trailer this week starring John Travolta. It centers around the dangers of being a lineman, particularly during an emergency. The movie has several sensational scenes that illustrate just how dangerous this job can be. In our opinion, it’s high time linemen got more recognition for what they do. Even if Hollywood takes some license, we hope that the Life on the Line linemen movie generates interest in the electrical trades…provided it doesn’t scare off potential workers!

This week also saw the recent Klein Tool survey about electricians leaving the industry. We hope that movies like this bring back at least some interest in this particular trade. There’s certainly a lot of on-the-job skills training that needs to happen, and it will be very hard indeed for America to survive long without linemen to maintain our infrastructure. A linemen movie certainly doesn’t hurt.

linemen movie lineman movie

Check out the Life on the Line movie trailer below:

Life on the Line Movie Trailer

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