Man Shoots Framing Nailer Into His Brain

Mental Note: Don't Shoot a Framing Nailer Into Your Brain

You’ve heard of a pain in the neck, but a news report from the Tribune revealed that Chicago resident Dante Autullo took the colloquialism a little higher by accidentally shooting a 3-1/2″ framing nail INTO HIS BRAIN. Now what makes this story even more interesting is that Dante didn’t even realize he had shot the nail into his brain when the incident happened. He thought it flew by his head. The only mark was apparently a small puncture wound and the real truth (and subsequent panic) didn’t occur until 36 hours later when an X-ray showed the nail lodged in his skull cavity. It wasn’t until he felt nauseated the next day that his fiancé took him to an immediate care center for a checkup. Adding to the irony, Dante’s fiancé had already known him to be accident prone, stating at one point in the Man Shoots Framing Nailer Into His Brain article that “she wanted to marry [him] before he hurt himself too badly.”

Man Shoots Framing Nailer Into His Brain

Autullo was using the nail gun in the popular “bump” mode (please don’t let the CPSC read this, they’ll likely enact a new rule to make that mode illegal). Bump mode, as you know, fires a nail when the trigger is depressed and the gun is pressed against a surface. Everything was working great, until the gun recoiled and Dante apparently had his head in front of the nailer. The recoil apparently brought the tip up against the back of his head, Dante’s hand still being on the trigger. Autullo immediately noticed a small wound,
but thought it came from his contact with the nail gun. Honestly, we have no idea how unbelievably bad Dante’s technique was, but we can’t even mock-up how on earth he got the nailer to shoot into his head – regardless of how he was using it.

In any case, Dante thought the wound was simply the marks from the toe nailer spikes coming off the tip of the gun. He even texted a picture of his head to his fiance who pointed out that he should really go find the nail… Dante didn’t. Waking up the next day after a nap, he said his head hurt – measuring a “14” on a scale of 1 to 10 – and that he felt he was nauseous. Ya think?

Yeah, that tends to happen WHEN YOU HAVE A 3-1/2″ NAIL STUCK IN YOUR BRAIN!

The couple took off to a local medical center and were given the news following an X-ray. The resulting operation removed the nail and also replaced a contaminated piece of his skull
with a patch of mesh and titanium plate. Needless to say, Dante’s days of no-hassle flying through TSA checkpoints is officially over.

Of course, there’s no word on whether or not the tool has been removed from the premises or Dante will venture to pick it up again.

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