Wrenchware – Tool Silverware for the Dad Who Has Everything

Wrenchware - Tool Silverware for the Dad Who Has Everything

So what do you get the Dad who has everything? Neck tie? Pair of socks? Cologne? How about giving him the gift of fine dining – but with a twist. Yes, for only $24 a place setting (shipped), you can get Wrenchware, a combination spoon, fork and knife set that looks just like a set of tools. Silverware on one side… emergency roadside assistance tools on the other. The set is even delivered in a rugged 9-inch wide ABS case that is shaped like a small blow-mold tool box. The knife/pliers, wrench/spoon, and ratchet/fork are made of stainless steel and, as an added bonus, are completely dishwasher safe. That’s right, you can use them each and every day – just be sure to wipe off any engine grease before you eat.

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Wrenchware - Tool Silverware -2

So, I suppose if you have a tool emergency, you could technically take care of it while still finishing your dinner… unless you need a pair of pliers – in which case you’re out of luck since the pliers are for looks only and don’t actually open. So what DO you do with a set of tool silverware? Simple, you eat out of a tire bowl:

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I’ll take a set of 12… post haste.

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