Lufkin Control Series Tape Measure Review

Lufkin Control Series tape measure CU

We just did a massive tape measure comparison review in our May issue of Pro Tool Reviews Magazine. Unfortunately, the Lufkin Control Series tape measure wasn’t yet ready when we were putting that together. One of the things I like about Lufkin’s new Control Series tapes is the exposed area right behind the place where the tape exits. You can drag your finger there to regulate the retraction speed of the tape instead of having to place your finger out front (where it can get cut or smacked by the retracting metal blade. Lufkin calls this innovation their Drag Strip and the handy finger access makes a whole lot of sense.

Lufkin Control Series Tape Measure Features

Tape retracting is now smooth and easy with your finger being where it naturally rests anyway.

Lufkin Control Series tape measure 2

The new Lufkin Control Series tape measure also features a 10-foot standout and a wide end-hook so they will reach far and grab on when you need them to. The casing looks to have some nice rubber overmolding as well, so it should hold up well to drops and typical job site abuse. We’ll have to put the Lufkin Control Series tapes on the docket for a closer look in a future issue.

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