Tom Gaige's Tool Kit

Tom Gaige’s Tool Kit

Thomas Gaige currently lives in coastal South Carolina. Since he was a youngster he always liked working with his hands and building things. With his well equipped shop he has tackled projects like restoring a classic BMW, building furniture, automotive bodywork, rebuilding a fiberglass boat, swapping out car engines, cabinet building and a host of other things. He believes that choosing the right tool is as critical as the final product you are trying to achieve. If you are properly equipped, with both your tools and knowledge about your project, then you too can repair and build like a pro and that is what Pro Tool Reviews is all about.

Makita LCT203W 10.8-volt Combo Kit review

Makita LCT203W 10.8-volt Combo Kit

With a new trend in sub compact power tools, many manufacturers are coming out with these tiny tool sets. Don’t let the small size of The Makita LCT203W 10.8-Volt Compact Li-Ion Cordless Combo Kit fool you because it packs a pretty big punch. With the Li-Ion battery small size and power to new motor technology, these types of tools are evolving into a new generation of pocket rockets.

Grizzly H0800 1200W Heat Gun

Grizzly H0800 Heat Gun Preview

There’s only so much you can say about a heat gun. Primarily, the concerns are focused on ergonomics and temperature flexibility. The problem with this is that, while you can certainly pay more for a heat gun that offers infinitely flexible temperature controls, you can also just back the thing off or move it closer to adjust your temperature as needed. Technique, in this case, trumps technology.