Harbor Freight Bauer Launches 256V Battery Platform to End All Debate

Harbor Freight Bauer 256V batteries

CALABASAS, CA – After hearing from its users regarding wanting more power, Harbor Freight decided to end the battery power debate once and for all by releasing a 256V XBT Multi-FUEL VoltFlex Max battery. “This new battery will not only be backward-compatible with all Bauer cordless tools, but it represents the largest, most powerful battery platform ever made,” said a spokesperson for Harbor Freight Tools.

To go along with the new batteries, each of which must be delivered via truck freight due to its size and weight, Bauer will have an entire line of new power tools that take advantage of the new technology.

Each new 256V XBT Multi-FUEL VoltFlex Max battery pack weighs 20 pounds and takes approximately 24 hours to charge. The advantage is that just one battery packs will run a Bauer cordless impact driver for three weeks straight. Because of the size and weight, each battery will ship with a steel hand truck to help carry it around the jobsite.

Bauer will sell the new battery as a single pack, or as a part of a starter kit with two batteries, and a charger. The single battery costs just $2,512 while the two-battery kit with charger runs about $4,999.

For more information, please check out the official press release here.

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