Fastcap Quick Mandrel for Hole Saws

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The new Fastcap Quick Mandrel gave us and our colleague Tim Johnson of Shop Tool Reviews reason to pause. There have been several innovation changes in hole saw technology when it comes to the mandrel. Typically, mandrels will get stuck to the hole saw if they screwed down too tight, either by the force of the user or the drill. We’ve seen peg-style systems of various forms come out in order to counter the issue.

Bosch’s Daredevil Hole Saws have a slip lock on them to keep the mandrel secure without screwing it in too tightly. From Spyder, we saw a screw down system with spring loaded pegs to encourage users from tightening down too far. Then Diablo came out with their Snap Lock Hole Saw system that includes an impact driver style quick release system. Each of these still gives a bit too much room for user error and they’ve all had a visit to the vise for release.

The Fastcap Quick Mandrel avoids the screw in system altogether. Three jaws in the center slip into the center hole of pretty much everyone’s hole saw. A 1/8 turn sends the jaws out to tighten against the hole saw. It doesn’t seem like it’s terribly strong at first glance. After a few uses, it didn’t show the slightest hint of budging. Better yet, it was just as easy to take off, even after going at it with some larger hole saw that required more torque.

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One limitation we found is that the pilot bit is too short to work with the deep cup hole saws we have. While Fastcap has confirmed that there are longer bits coming, keep in mind that they are proprietary to work effectively with the jaw mechanism.

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Tim Johnson had the opportunity to spend a lot more time using the Fastcap Quick Mandrel, so check out Shop Tool Reviews for more details and a deeper look at the performance of these game changers. He’s got an excellent video overview to watch as well.

Fastcap Quick Mandrel for Hole Saws Key Features

  • Quick in, quick off
  • Easy to tighten and release
  • Fits most standards holesaws
  • Great for lock sets, “roughing in” plumbing and electrical, and any large diameter hole
  • Patent pending

Fastcap Quick Mandrel for Hole Saws Specifications

  • Model: Fastcap Quick Mandrel
  • Dimensions: 3″ x 4″ x 8″
  • Weight: 1.3 oz
  • Price: $19.95

Keep your eyes open for the Quick Mandrel to show up at Acme Tools!

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