Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow with Flat Free Tire Review

Jackson Total Control wheelbarrow
PTR Review
  • Build Quality 8.0
  • Features 9.0
  • Options 10.0
  • Value 6.0

This is wheelbarrow you can really use without thinking about it. It tips less easily and it handles an inordinate amount of weight without straining the undercarriage. I think that the asking price of $200 is astronomical for a wheelbarrow, but if this is what you do for a living, then having a great tool around you can depend on makes some sense.

Overall Score 8.2 (out of 10)

This is going to be a short review. It is, after all a wheelbarrow. But a common problem with wheelbarrows is that the front tires tend to go flat, particularly when you’re coming off a ledge when carrying a large weight. Concrete is not kind to single-wheel wheelbarrows. Two-wheel models help considerably, but they lack the turn-on-a-dime maneuverability that the one-wheel models possess. It’s because of this that run-flat, or flat-free technology is gaining in popularity. Since Jackson Professional Tools also includes its sister companies, Ames and True Temper (among others), there are actually three versions, or related versions, of the Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow from each of the companies. That gives you three great options to choose from, not to mention the flat-free tire option and whether you want the total control handles or a steel vs. poly tray.

Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow Features

There is actually a lot to say about the features of the Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow. First of all, you have to assemble the entire unit yourself. It comes in a box and if you’re good at erector sets you’ll have little difficulty. If you don’t enjoy putting things together, however, best to have a lackey, er…assistant help you out. I found the instructions to be well-prepared and I had the entire wheelbarrow assembled and ready in less than 20 minutes. I’m sure I could shave some time off that, but I was pouring over the components and checking out what made everything tick as I went along.

Jackson Total Control assembly
If you don’t like putting together puzzles, give this job to someone who does.

The handles on the Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow are very impressive—not to mention effective. They do indeed offer a greater amount of control, and they are affixed via a solid friction fit with a bolted-in assist. There’s no doubt that these handles will allow you great maneuverability in addition to some additional leverage when needed. The colors on this wheelbarrow are also quite vibrant—you’re not going to misplace your wheelbarrow!

Jackson Total Control pieces

The flat free tire is one of the stand-out features of this 6 cubic foot wheelbarrow and I think it goes without saying that having a wheelbarrow that can take a hit and roll over anything a job site has to offer it makes for a feature you’re going to want. You can literally run over a 16d nail and the rubber will take it in and keep going. Drop it off the edge of a deck and you’re likely to feel the same jarring impact, but the wheel isn’t going to blow out on you. For anyone jealous for their own wheelbarrow, these tires are going for around $40 aftermarket.

Jackson Flat Free tire

Features at a Glance

  • Model: M6TCFF
  • Ergonomic Total Control Handles
  • 6 CuFt seamless steel tray and undercarriage
  • Patented “Cleat” leg stabilizers
  • Flat Free tire

Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow In the Field

True Temper total control wheelbarrow
The True Temper total control wheelbarrow is nearly identical to its Jackson counterpart save for the colors.

So what’s it like to use this flat free total control wheelbarrow? Well, it’s a wheelbarrow. The handles, however, do make it stand out from the common tools we use every day. You can get behind and push, not just lift up and pull. Additionally, you get the added benefit of a plastic handle whose sole goal in life isn’t to sink 1/2″ splinters into your palms on the day you decide to work without  gloves. The tire rolls smooth, though even the properly-filled air tire on the True Temper equivalent offered a similar experience (we got hold of both to use on various job sites.) I hauled concrete block, piles of dirt, debris and tile from a home renovation (more of a home demo to be honest) and even some small children…In each case, the total control handles offered a tremendous amount of balance and leverage.

I think that the saving grace here for the Jackson Total Control Wheelbarrow is the sheer number of options you have at your disposal. Poly or steel? Standard handle or total control? Flat free or air-filled tires? No matter what you want in terms of features or budget, Jackson (and True Temper for that matter) seem to have a product that fits the bill.

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